Inspired by Steven Hawking’s famous time traveller experiment.

Ever wondered if time travel is possible?

If time travel is possible then the technology to do it could be invented in the far future.

Take part in our experiment and create an invitation for future time travellers to come back in time to your event.

Invitations will be placed inside a time capsule and preserved for many years until time travel technology has been invented. 

Limited spaces are available so don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of this exciting and unique experiment.

Total Invitations

Remaining Invitations

Of Years Into The Future

How Will The Time Travel Project Work?

The time travel project has been divided into 8 stages

Stage 1

The first stage of the project is to fill all of the 100,000 spaces for invitations to future time travellers. Each invitation will be created soon after an order is placed and saved ready for the future stages. When all of the 100,000 spaces have been filled the project will move onto stage 2.

Stage 2

All 100,000 invitations that have been created will then be printed and steps taken to ensure they remain preserved for a thousand years or more. A time capsule will then be designed and manufactured that can fit all 100,000 invitations inside. Steps will also be taken to ensure the time capsule is capable of preserving all of the invitations inside it for a thousand years or more.

Stage 3

A small piece of land will be purchased by the project in a geographically stable location where the time capsule can be safely buried and remain undisturbed. The ownership of this land will be passed down from generation to generation by a small group of volunteers.

Stage 4

All of the printed invitations will be placed inside the time capsule then it will be sealed ready for it to be buried.

Stage 5

The newly purchased land will be dug up and prepared ready for the time capsule to be buried. 

Stage 6

The time capsule will be buried and the land will be sealed off to prevent any premature tampering of the capsule.

Stage 7

A  number of volunteers from around the world will be chosen to safeguard the knowledge of the time capsule and it’s location. These volunteers will be instructed to pass on this knowledge to their descendants and to continue this cycle each generation until time travel technology has been invented.

Stage 8

To celebrate the completion of the project we will throw our own time traveller party. The invitation to this party will be placed inside the time capsule and will be live streamed on our social media channels for all to see.

Each stage of the project will be documented on our social media channels for you to follow the progress of the project.

The Time Travel Project

Inspired by the time traveller party experiment conducted by Steven Hawking.

The concept of time travel is something that most of us have thought about at some point in our lives. Many of us dream of going back in time to relive and change past events. To witness historical events in human history and maybe even visit the ancient past and see a real living dinosaur. Then there is the future how many of us have thought about gaining a glimpse into the future to see how our lives will turn out and what will become of humanity.

How about the possibility of time travellers from the future here right now in our present. If time travel really is possible in the future then the 21st century could well be a holiday destination. This fascination brings us to the ultimate question of is time travel possible. Unfortunately science can’t yet answer that question but there is another experimental way to find out.

On June 28, 2009, British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking hosted a party for time travelers in the University of Cambridge. The physicist arranged for balloons, champagne, and nibbles for his guests, but did not send out the invites until the following day, after the party was over. Unfortunately no time travellers turned up to his party but that doesn’t mean that time travel isn’t possible.

There are many reasons as to why his experiment didn’t work. It could simply be that his invitation didn’t survive long enough to be seen by future time travellers. Needless to say the failure of his experiment doesn’t mean that time travel isn’t possible.

The time travel project aims to repeat his experiment but on a much larger scale and we invite you to participate. You pick a time and a place and we will place your invitation inside our time capsule which will be buried for a thousand or more years.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is time travel even possible?

The truth is nobody knows that’s the whole point of this experiment. According to scientists there is evidence to suggest that it is possible and evidence to suggest that it isn’t. Who knows maybe this experiment will prove if it is or isnt possible.

Where will the capsule be buried?

The exact location of the time capsule hasn’t yet been determined. However it will be an isolated location to protect and preserve the capsule. In order to prevent any tampering with the capsule it’s location won’t be made public. Instead a small amount of volunteers will be chosen to safeguard the knowledge of the capsule and will be instructed to pass on this knowledge to their descendants.

How long will the capsule be buried for?

The exact length of time the capsule will be buried for is unknown but we suspect it will be a thousand years or more. It’s impossible to predict how long into the future it will be before time travel technology is invented if it is even possible. We will take every step possible to try and preserve the capsule and knowledge of it for as long as possible.

When will the capsule be buried?

The exact date hasn’t yet been determined.  The project has been divided into 8 stages and each stage will take place once the previous stage has been completed. We estimate that the project will be completed sometime around the middle of 2025. Since the capsule is designed to be opened in the far future when time travel technology has been invented it doesn’t actually matter when the capsule will be buried but we estimate that the project will be completed sometime around the middle of 2025.

Who is behind this project?

This project is a colloboration by 3 close friends who came up with the idea. We don’t seek any fame or to be recognised for this project and wish to remain anonymous.

How do I volunteer to pass down knowledge of the time capsule?

Once the project has been completed we will advertise on our social media channels and this website for volunteers. You will be able to contact us via our social media channels and via email should you wish to volunteer. We will then choose a number of volunteers from around the world and provide them with the knowledge they require.

Why does it cost money to create an invitation?

In order to succesfully complete the project there are certain costs involved. Each invitation will need to be printed and a time capsule has to be made along with purchasing the land on which it will be buried. There will also be a lot of hours work bringing the project to completion. We have kept the costs as low as possible to give more people the opportunity to take part.

I have created an invitation but have received no visits from any time travellers?

There are many possible reasons that your invitation didn’t attract any visits from time travellers. Time travel may simply not be possible even in thousands of years time. No time travellers may have seen your invitation or may simply not be interested. Future time travellers could be restricted on where they can travel to prevent altering past events. It’s also possible that time travellers did indeed accept your invitation but were invisible or did not interact with you. It seems reasonable to assume that if time travel is possible in the future there will be laws to prevent altering past events. Who knows the kind of technology that will exist in the future, it may be possible for future time travellers to become invisible so they can observe but don’t risk altering past events.

Should I invite time travellers to a past or future event?

The choice is entirely up to you however it will be difficult for you to determine if any time travellers turned up to a past event. A person you interacted with at a past event could have been a time traveller but never revealed themselves as such. We recommend creating an entirely new event at some point in the future where you can be on the lookout for time travellers.

How will future time travellers know about the time capsule?

When the project has been completed and the time capsule has been buried a number of volunteers from around the world will be chosen to safeguard the knowledge of where it’s buried and it’s purpose. These volunteers will be instructed to pass on this knowledge to their descendants and so forth. Hopefully knowledge of the time capsule will have been passed on to many generations until a time where time travel technology is possible.

What are the chances I'll actually be visited by a time traveller?

The truth is the chances are very slim. Even if time travel is possible and the technology to do it is created in the future there are many reasons why a time traveller won’t turn up to your invitation. The whole purpose of this experiment is to try and determine whether time travel is possible or not.

Invitation Ideas

Not sure what to put on your invitation?

We have put together some cool ideas for events you can invite those future time travellers to.

Time Traveller Party

Throwing a party for time travellers is a great idea for your invitation. What better way to greet time travellers than throwing a party in their honour. Show future time travellers what a party in the 21st century is like. Should any time travellers not turn up you could invite your friends and family so it will still be a party to remember.


A birth is a joyous occasion and one of the most memorable days in a parents life. Whilst every experience is unique of birth is unique I doubt there have been many where a time traveller has turned up to greet the newborn. What a way to bring a new life into the world than have them welcomed into the world by a visitor from the future.


Birthdays are a special day to celebrate another year of our lives gone by with family and friends. Why not make your next birthday party one to remember by inviting a future time traveller to join in the celebrations.


A wedding is a joyous occasion and supposed to be one of the best and most memorable days of your life. What better way to make it even more special and unique than to have a time traveller as one of your guests. How many people can say that one of their guests was a visitor from the future?


A graduation is a momentus occasion in anybody’s life. A day where you can celebrate years of hard work studying and start looking forward to your career. Whilst every graduation is a unique experience how many people can say their graduation was attended by a time traveller from the future.

Business Event

If you run your own business then a sale or a promotion could be the perfect event to invite a future time traveller to. Not only could it attract customers from the future it could also attract customers from our time looking to meet a time traveller. After all how many business owners can say that they have sold goods or services to somebody from the far future.